poolife® 3" Cleaning Tablets Stabilized Chlorinator
Our 3" Cleaning Tablets are similar to our 1" Cleaning Tablets, only different in size. The tablets are slow dissolving and long lasting and kill bacteria, control algae and protect your pool’s chlorine from sunlight degradation.
AVAILABLE SIZES: 4.81 lbs. / 9.625 lbs. / 25 lbs. / 50 lbs.
poolife® MPT Extra™ 3" Chlorinating Tablets
These unique MPT Extra™ 3" chlorinating tablets were developed using all-in-one technology to sanitize, prevent algae, control staining and scaling and clarify and soften pool water. These proprietary tablets are sun protected for extended chlorine life and can be used in floaters, feeders or skimmers.
AVAILABLE SIZES: Individual Tablets .37 lbs. / 2.6 lbs. / 4 lbs. / 11 lbs. / 21 lbs. / 35 lbs.
poolife® NST® Tablets (for skimmer use)
NST® is an alternative to 3" tablets and does not contain cyanuric acid. Perfect for use in a skimmer, this product will destroy bacteria and organic contaminants without over-stabilizing your pool water or adding additional cyanuric acid to your water. Each long-lasting tablet will continuously sanitize your pool in the skimmer for up to one week! This product is an innovative, propritory technology that provides long-lasting, slow-dissolving chlorination sanitization level.
AVAILABLE SIZES: 4 lbs. / 10 lbs. / 20.6 lbs. / 44 lbs.
poolife® Bromine+
Bromine + is a form of brominating hydantoin tablets for pools. It is easily adapted to many erosion feeders used to automatically treat both commercial and residential pools. It doesn’t reduce pH or affect calcium hardness. Can be used in feeders, floaters and skimmers.
AVAILABLE SIZES: 15 lbs./ 25 lbs. / 50 lbs.
poolife® Active Cleaning® Granules Chlorinator
Fast acting Active Cleaning® Granules is effective at destroying bacteria, controlling algae and at destroying organic contaminants - keeping your pool clean and healthy. It can be used for daily maintenance or weekly shock treatment.
AVAILABLE SIZES: 25 lbs. / 50 lbs. / 100 lbs.
poolife® Rapid Shock® Shock Treatment
Rapid Shock® is a fast dissolving formula for use weekly, after heavy pool usage and after rain or windstorms. It works fast to bring your chlorine levels into balance, ridding the water of contaminants and keeping it ready for a refreshing, clean swim.
AVAILABLE SIZES: 1 lb. / 5 lbs.
poolife® TurboShock® Shock Treatment
TurboShock® is the strongest shock treatment available to treat your pool. With 78% available chlorine, poolife® TurboShock® works fast to combat algae and bacteria. It dissolves more quickly and completely and keeps pool water sparkling clean and clear with less work.
AVAILABLE SIZES: 1 lb. / 5 lbs. / 17 lbs. / 25 lbs. / 65 lbs.
poolife® Non-Chlorine Oxidizer
Over time, swimming pool water is contaminated with a variety of organic molecules. The sources of the contamination are the bathers and the environment. If not treated periodically, these contaminants will accumulate and can lead to any number of problems including unwanted tastes and odors, excessive consumption of sanitizer, eye irritation and difficulty in maintaining clear pool water. Oxidation of pool water with poolife® Non-Chlorine Oxidizer will destroy soluble organic contaminants and assist in the maintenance of sparkling water.
AVAILABLE SIZES: 1 lb. / 25 lbs. / 50 lbs.
poolife® Back to Blue® Shock System
If you are experiencing an algae bloom, which has turned your pool green, the Back to Blue® shock system can turn your pool sparkling blue again. This two-part system destroys the bacteria and algae that have taken over your pool and then makes it easy to vacuum out. At the start of the season, or if an algae bloom occurs during the season, the pool can be treated and returned to its clear blue appearance within 24-hours by using Back to Blue® I and Back to Blue® II as part of the poolife® Back to Blue® shock system kit.
poolife® Clean Shock® Shock Treatment
Clean Shock® shock treatment is an effective multi-purpose sanitizer & shock that protects against chlorine loss optimizing pool usage and swimmer comfort with no sediment.This product is convenient and easy to use to control the growth of algae, kill bacteria and destroy organic materials.
poolife® AlgaePhos Algaecide®
AlgaePhos Algaecide® is a multi-action formula that prevents algae growth and reduces phosphate levels in your pool water. Compatible with any type of pool sanitizer.
AVAILABLE SIZE: 32 fl. oz.
poolife® AlgaeKill II Algaecide
This copper-based algaecide is made especially to control the growth of algae in all types of swimming pools. Its long lasting action will control existing algae and subsequent doses will control re-contamination by algae. Treated water can be used immediately - no waiting to swim!
AVAILABLE SIZE: 32 fl. oz.
poolife® Super AlgaeBomb® 60 Algaecide
Super AlgaeBomb® 60 is the strongest poolife® liquid algaecide available. It is a non-foaming and used to treat or prevent algae formation and growth in swimming pools, exterior spas, whirlpools, hot tubs, decorative fountains and synthetically-lined ponds that do not contain fish. It is also ideal for winterizing your pool in the off season.
AVAILABLE SIZE: 32 fl. oz.
poolife® Algaecide 90 Algaecide
This long-lasting algaecide prevents and kills green, black and mustard algae. One treatment of this patented formula will help prevent algae growth in your swimming pool for up to three months!
AVAILABLE SIZE: 32 fl. oz.
poolife® Algaebomb® 30 Algaecide
This non-foaming algaecide is used to control the growth of algae in swimming pools, exterior spas, whirlpools and hot tubs. Treats green, black and yellow algae.
AVAILABLE SIZE: 32 fl. oz.
poolife® Defend+® Algaecide
Defend+® is a non-foaming algaecide that not only treats and prevents green, black and yellow algae, but also clarifies your pool water. This powerful formulation can be used for the prevention of future algae growth and the treatment of visible algae.
AVAILABLE SIZE: 32 fl. oz.
Slimy mustard algae in your swimming pool? This is your #1 choice for fast and effective treatment for clear, pool party ready water.
• Must be used in conjunction with a chlorine shock product.
• Apply 4 oz. of this product per 10,000 gallons as close to the affected areas as possible.
• Immediately, superchlorinate by adding 1 lb. of Poolife® TurboShock® treatment or Poolife® Rapid Shock® shock treatment per 10,000 gallons of pool water.
• Compatible with all swimming pools.
Active ingredient: Sodium Bromide
Available size: 2lb
Watch your pool water sparkle like never before. With just one treatment, this long-lasting algaecide prevents algae growth for up to 90 days.
• Step 3 of the NST® System.
Active ingredient: 2.09% Copper
Available size: 1qt
Simply raise the total alkalinity in your pool water and help it stay clear and balanced.
• Test total alkalinity weekly and add this product if total alkalinity is below 60 ppm.
• Use the convenient dosage chart on the product label.
• Always adjust total alkalinity prior to adjusting pH.
Available size(s): 5lb, 10lb, 25lb
Calcium Plus raises the calcium hardness of swimming pool water. Simple, powerful and effective.
• Helps prevent corrosion of metals and pool surfaces.
• Reduces the chance of foaming.
• Use convenient dosage chart on the product label.
Available size(s): 8lb, 20lb
Simple but super effective, pH Minus lowers the pH and total alkalinity of your swimming pool water. It ensures your sanitizer works effectively while preventing scale, eye irritation and skin discomfort.
• The ideal pH range is 7.2 – 7.6.
• Test pH frequently and add this product if pH is above 7.6.
• Use the convenient dosage chart on the product label.
• Always adjust total alkalinity prior to adjusting ph.
Available size(s): 2.5lb, 6lb, 25lb
Nothing goes together better than bright sunshine and a cool pool. But just like your skin, your chlorine needs to be protected from too much sunlight. Stabilizer & Conditioner does just that by raising the stabilizer (cyanuric acid) levels in your pool water and preventing chlorine loss.
• The ideal stabilizer range is 20-50 ppm.
• Test stabilizer levels monthly and add this product if stabilizer level is below 20 ppm.
• Use the convenient dosage chart on the product label.
• Add product slowly to the skimmer while the circulation pump is running.
Available size(s): 1.75lb, 4lb
Pool chemicals, fertilizers, cleaners and other pollutants can cause phosphates to develop in your pool water. The good news? Our powerful formula is proven to eliminate them.
• 32 ounces removes 1,000 ppb phosphates in 20,000 gallons of pool water.
• Take a pool water sample to your authorized Poolife® Dealer to check your phosphate levels.
• Follow the product dosage guide to eliminate phosphates.
• Use 1 fl. oz. of this product per 5,000 gallons of pool water weekly to maintain phosphate levels below 125 ppb.
Available size: 1qt
Remove dirt, oil and scale and keep your pool surface sparkling clean. This thick and concentrated formula effectively cleans and descales most vinyl, tile, fiberglass and concrete pool surfaces and tile liners.
• Apply Tile Cleaner Rx as it comes from the bottle with a sponge, cloth or soft brush.
• Swab surface to be cleaned and let stand no more than three minutes.
• Wipe the clean surface promptly with a damp cloth and then splash with water.
Available size: 1qt
Eliminate hazy and cloudy water in your pool. Our formula can be used as a flocculant or filter aid, depending upon the severity of the cloudiness.
• If the pool water is cloudy and the bottom is visible, follow the directions for use as a filter aid.
• If the pool water is cloudy and the bottom is not visible, follow the directions for use as a flocculant (filter must be able to vacuum to waste).
Available size: 2.25lb
When the clarifier turns from gold to blue, you know it’s working! As our strongest clarifier, this super concentrated formula quickly clears and brightens cloudy water, improves filter removal of dirt and other organic contaminants and prevents future hazy appearance.
• Highly concentrated formula – 1 fl. oz. treats 6,000 gallons!
• Compatible with all sanitizers.
Available size: 1qt
This thick, highly concentrated formula quickly clears cloudy water and improves filter efficiency.
• Add 1 fl. oz. per 5,000 gallons of pool water directly to the pool.
• Add at least once a week as part of your regular maintenance program.
Available size: 1qt
Crack down on caked-on oils and minerals. This product is chemically formulated to break down these contaminants on your sand filter, allowing them to be backwashed away. The result is “like new” filter performance.
• While the filter is backwashing, slowly pour 8 fl. oz. of this product into the skimmer.
• Continue the backwashing process according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
• Can be used every time the filter is backwashed to maintain filter efficiency and crystal clear pool water.
Available size: 1qt
No one likes scum lines. Quickly remove them and protect your filters from oily build-up and clogging.
• Add 16 fl. oz. per 10,000 gallons of pool water twice a week until the scum lines are removed.
• Thereafter, add 4 fl. oz. per 10,000 gallons of pool water every other week, or weekly during periods of high usage.
• Compatible with all sanitizers.
Available size: .1gal
Oil, grease, dirt, mineral deposits, soap—all of these can build up in your pool filter. Break down organic and inorganic matter with the acidic solution in Filter Cleaner and get back to enjoying clean, healthy, splash-friendly pool water.
• 16 fl. oz. applied to 4 gallons of water will clean up to 55 square feet of filter area.
• Add filter to solution and soak for 3–6 hours, rinse with a high pressure hose nozzle.
• Clean your pool filter at least twice a season.
• Compatible with all filters.
Available size: 1qt
Keep your salt system running efficiently. Cell Protect helps prevent deposits from forming on the cell and corrosion of electrodes.
• Initially, add 16 fl. oz. per 10,000 gallons of pool water.
• Weekly, add 4 fl. oz. per 10,000 gallons of pool water.
• Distribute the mixture around the perimeter of your pool.
Available size: 1qt
This multi-functional granular product conditions, clarifies, and clears pool water and gives it a softer, gentler feel.
• Compatible with all sanitizers.
Available size(s): 10lb, 20lb, 45lb
PhosFIGHT+® uses half the dosing of other competitive products to provide beautifully clear pool water. When used weekly, the concentrated multi-purpose product clarifies, prevents waterline build-up, removes phosphates and minimizes algae blooms.
• Take a pool water sample to your authorized Poolife® Dealer to check your phosphate levels. These levels should be less than 125 ppb
• Follow the product dosage guide to eliminate phosphates
• Use 1 fl. oz. of this product per 5,000 gallons of pool water weekly to maintain phosphate levels below 125 ppb
Available size: 32oz
Suntan lotions, cosmetics and other oily materials can cause gross scum lines and clog filters. Enzyme Clarifier is the solution. This multi-action product helps increase the breakdown of oily organic material for clean, clear pool water and filter.
• Initially add 8 fl. oz. per 10,000 gallons of pool water.
• Thereafter, add 4 fl. oz. per 10,000 gallons of pool water every other week, or weekly during periods of high usage.
• Compatible with all sanitizers.
Available size: .5gal
Leave your pool crystal clear and algae-free in one easy step. Complete Control Shock and Algaecide® is a fast-acting, dual-action formula. It combines the anti-algae power of chlorinating compounds and chelated copper for immediate relief from black, green and yellow algae. It also shock treats at the same time.
Active ingredient: Dichlor & Copper Sulfate
Available size: 3lb
Intense and powerful, this stain prevention protects against scale, stains and rust caused by minerals in the water, such as iron, copper, nickel, manganese, silicon and zinc.
• Concentrated and stable in water at high temperatures.
• Can be used at initial pool fill, for preventative maintenance and for existing metals treatment.
• Follow the label directions for your specific treatment dosage and procedure.
Available size: 1qt
Stop the stain madness! After using Poolife® Stain Lift, Stain Stop provides long-lasting protection against stains, scale and rust caused by iron, copper, nickel, manganese, silicon and zinc minerals in your pool water.
• For best results, add the required amount of Stain Stop at the time you start to fill the pool unless the surface is black plaster, then add it after the pool is full.
• Compatible with chlorine, bromine, salt water, ozone and minerals.
Available size: 1qt
The first stop is saying goodbye to stains. This concentrated, granular stain remover quickly removes stains caused by copper, iron, manganese, cobalt and silver. After stains are removed, follow up with the weekly addition of Poolife® Stain Stop.
• This product can be used on most pool surfaces including gunite, most plaster, concrete, vinyl and fiberglass.
• This product is not intended for use on pools with black plaster.
Available size: 2.5lb
The principle chemical in the BAQUACIL® Pool Care System is a chlorine-free liquid sanitizer that provides safe, consistent control of bacteria and algae. It has a long shelf life, is highly stable in water and lasts longer than chlorine without any of chlorine’s unpleasant side effects. Compatible with BAQUACIL® pools only.
Available sizes: 1/2 gal.
A chlorine-free liquid oxidizer formulated with specially-stabilized hydrogen peroxide. It clarifies pool water by removing swimmer waste and other pool contaminants. Compatible with BAQUACIL® pools only.
Available sizes: 1 gal.
A specially formulated product that is designed to maintain a residual BAQUACIL® Oxidizer. It helps prevent pink slime and white water mold levels for clear water all season long.
Available sizes: 1/2 gal.
Our liquid algaecide in a low-dosing formula that’s proven effective against a wide range of slime and algae commonly found in swimming pools. Compatible with chlorine, bromine and BAQUACIL® pools.
Available sizes: 32 fl. oz.
This non-foaming algaecide effectively controls the growth of all types algae in swimming pools. Compatible with chlorine, bromine and BAQUACIL® pools.
Available sizes: 32 fl. oz.
AlgiDefense® Algistat is a long-lasting algae preventative technology developed for pools treated with BAQUACIL® products. One simple monthly application controls the growth of mustard algae in BAQUACIL® treated pools. Compatible with chlorine, bromine and BAQUACIL® pools.
Available sizes: One box contains (8) 2 oz. pouches.
Used for years by municipal water authorities, our iron-free, aluminum sulfate compound Flocculant treats persistent haze and clarifies cloudy pool water. Can be used as a filter aid or broadcast flocculant. Compatible with chlorine, bromine and BAQUACIL® pools.
Available sizes: 1.5 lbs.
Metal Control is a strong chelating agent that deactivates dissolved copper, iron, and other heavy metals that can affect water clarity. This product should be used on all new pool start-ups or conversions to help prevent stains and discolored water. Compatible with BAQUACIL® pools only.
Available sizes: 1.25 lbs.
A strong and effective cleaner for all types of filters, our Universal Filter Cleaner dissolves and removes collected debris, scale, oils, and organic waste. Use twice a season to ensure good water quality and optimum filtration. Compatible with chlorine, bromine and BAQUACIL® pools.
Available sizes: 1/2 gal.
Part: BR4018S18" Stinger Brush with poly bristles, designed for vinyl and all pool surfaces.
Part: BR4012SIdeal for spas, fountains, or ponds. The Stinger Mini Brush gets into smaller spaces and corners better than a larger pool brush.
Part: BR4018C18" Stinger Brush with a combination of grit and poly bristles, designed for plaster and gunite pool surfaces.
Is your pool looking outdated or in need of a refresh? Our team can help you renovate your pool with new features, finishes, and designs.
We offer a range of pool accessories to enhance your swimming experience, including pool covers, heaters, and lighting options.
We understand that a new pool or pool renovation can be a significant investment. That's why we offer flexible financing options to help make your dream pool a reality.
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We are currently booking 2025 installation dates for in-ground and aboveground swimming pools. If you are thinking about getting a new pool this season now is the time to inquire. Our installation schedule will fill up very quickly during the next couple of months, so call us today to get in line.
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